
In our innovative MPH program, you’ll work on tomorrow’s health solutions today.

十大菠菜台子's Master of Public Health turns the whole community into your classroom. You’ll tackle real-world public health challenges through our MPH degree’s unique community-based participatory research model, working face to face with local residents, 公共卫生官员, 非营利组织拥护者, 医疗保健提供者. This hands-on approach lets you serve the community while you’re earning your MPH degree, making a real difference in public health and well-being. Our MPH program cultivates outstanding communicators, 合作者, and problem-solvers who excel in multicultural settings and are comfortable with advanced data. Demand for all of these skills is rising sharply, making our MPH degree a powerful first step toward a public health career in research, 宣传, 教育, 政府, 保健服务, 或相关领域.

十大菠菜台子's Master of Public Health turns the whole community into your classroom. You’ll tackle real-world public health challenges through our MPH degree’s unique community-based participatory research model, working face to face with local residents, 公共卫生官员, 非营利组织拥护者, 医疗保健提供者. This hands-on approach lets you serve the community while you’re earning your MPH degree, making a real difference in public health and well-being. Our MPH program cultivates outstanding communicators, 合作者, and problem-solvers who excel in multicultural settings and are comfortable with advanced data. Demand for all of these skills is rising sharply, making our MPH degree a powerful first step toward a public health career in research, 宣传, 教育, 政府, 保健服务, 或相关领域.

MPH Degree: The 十大菠菜台子 Advantage

Our extensive partnerships in Southeast Michigan create unique opportunities for students in our MPH degree. You’ll interact with and learn from a wide range of public health stakeholders, acquiring an exceptionally broad perspective that equips you for all kinds of public health careers. 十大菠菜台子’s medical school adds further value to our MPH program, providing you with access to medical experts, data, 诊所, 以及研究机会.

In addition, our MPH degree stands out for its strengths in:

  • 多样性和社会公正. Our MPH program allows you to work with people of all types, 包括低收入家庭, 移民, 有色人种, 孩子们, and other populations who lack equal access to health care. You’ll have opportunities to help organize, 教育, 并赋予这些社区权力, acquiring skills that many MPH degrees neglect.
  • 应用研究. We require 16 credits of research-oriented coursework in our MPH degree, including a capstone project consisting of supervised, 自主研究. Many MPH students exceed these requirements and engage in extracurricular research, working independently or in collaboration with faculty and/or public health professionals off campus.
  • 注重实效的专业知识. You’ll acquire practical tools in our MPH program, using an evidence-based approach that helps you solve problems and maximize health benefits. By the time you complete the MPH degree, you’ll know how to assess community capacities, 确定的需求, 评估项目, 测量结果, 设计新的解决方案.
  • 教师参与. Instructors in our MPH program are immersed in the community as researchers, 咨询顾问, 和合作者. Their connections can help you get involved in research projects, 服务学习活动, 专业实习, and other opportunities that can put your public health career on the fast track.
  • 严谨的十大菠菜台子. 十大菠菜台子’s master in public health degree is accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). You’ll earn a highly interdisciplinary MPH that integrates concepts from the health sciences, 公共管理, 环境卫生, 心理健康, 统计数据, 教育, 护理, 运动科学, 以及其他领域.

What can you do with a master of public health degree?


Demand for MPH graduates is expanding rapidly. 人口老龄化, 医疗保健法律改革, 不断发展的技术, and other factors have created a broad need for public health professionals to evaluate new programs, 测量结果, and chart a course for the future. You may find public health career opportunities with government agencies, 非营利组织, 医疗保健网络, 保险公司, 制药公司, 大学, and many other types of employers. MPH graduates commonly pursue careers in:

  • 非营利组织的领导
  • 环境卫生
  • 公共政策
  • 流行病学
  • 生物统计学
  • 健康教育
  • Program evaluation and analysis
  • 医院管理
  • 临床服务
  • 国际卫生研究
  • 病人宣传

Master of Public Health Degree: What You’ll Study

十大菠菜台子’s MPH degree is accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). The curriculum includes required courses in health policy, 健康行为和教育, 统计数据, 流行病学, 环境健康.

Our MPH program features two professional development components: a semester-long practicum with a public health organization in the community, and a capstone project based on independent research, 数据分析, 以及公开演讲.

Elective courses enable you to align the MPH program with your career goals. Course subjects include (but are not limited to):

  • 环境正义
  • 健康的社会决定因素
  • 全球卫生问题
  • 法律 and ethical issues in public health
  • 多样性和社会公正
  • 儿童发展与教育
  • 健康咨询服务
  • 数据库和数据仓库
  • 体育活动
  • Nonprofit organization and management
  • 公共管理
  • 公共预算和财政
  • 危机干预

Master of Public Health Program 资源

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